Nichole in the Quilter Bees group asked for spiderweb blocks this month. This was another I-always-wanted-to-make-this block for me. Honestly, I was a little intimidated by spiderwebs, but the tutorial at Quiltville was awesome, again.
{Pea approves, or is just looking for some love, you be the judge}
I didn't get a good photo, but I covered the sleeve opening with binding made from the side seam castaways. My binding foot made this easy. Part of the collection I got about a year ago.
{New back detail}
After all the alterations, the bodice still wasn't sitting right and the back had even more excess fabric than it does now. With a pie cut into the back neck line, commercial bias tape, a made-by-me fabric button and small piece of elastic, even the back got a new look.
It took *way* longer than I anticipated, but I think it was worth it. It can be worn now, as is and be worn into the fall and again in the spring with a little cardigan. Perfect to throw on for work or play when I am running late (which is most of the time). =]
{Pea is for Polamalu}
Abbreviations: k-knit, p-purl, M1B-make 1 back, M1F-make 1 front (See knittinghelp.com for instructions and video of the increase stitches. They explain it way better than me.)
If doing the color work in intarsia, the numbers start at row 7. The charts at the end of the pattern have all the color work directions and a different way to divide stitches per needle.
Loosely cast on 24 stitches in color A (black). Divide evenly between 3 dpns (8 sts per needle). Place marker and join in the round. P.S. Don't twist the stitches.
Rows 1-4 (Color A): *K2, P2* to end
Rows 5-35 (Color B for rows 3-45): Knit all stitches
Row 36 and all increase rounds: k1, M1B, k until 1 stitch before end of round, M1F, k1 (26 total stitches)
Rows 37-38: knit all stitches
Row 39: increase round (28 total stitches)
Rows 40-41: knit all stitches
Row 42: increase round (30 total stitches)
Rows 43-44: knit all stitches
Row 45: increase round (32 total stitches)
Row 46 (Color A): knit all stitches
Rows 47-54: *k2, p2* to end
Finishing: Loosely bind off all stitches. Use the charts and duplicate stitch (Color A) to create the numbers on each leg warmer. One number per leg warmer.
{Click each image enlarge. Charts for intarsia and duplicate stitch}
{Happy and summery wonky stars}
I used the tutorial from Quiltville. Three of the blocks are 10" and one (the first) got a little skimpy at 9.5" square. I am sending it anyway, just in case it can be used. Loved, loved, loved making these blocks. They have been on my "to stitch" list for ages, but I made one until today. I know there will be more of these babies in my future.
My next to-do block is a spider web from Quiltville, too. Should do those tomorrow-ish. =]
Living in a warm weather climate, my dogs find it difficult to show their team spirit (Steelers spirit, that is) during the football season. The season starts in August (it is hot here) and continues through September (hot), October (still hot), November (warm to not that hot) and into December and January (sort of cool, except that one week that is it pretty cold). Needless to say, those cute doggie sweaters are out and a simple little collar and leash combo just doesn't cut it.
Mouse --she's a dog--requested a pair of Steelers striped leg warmers she can wear during the games and on walks when it starts to get chilly. Who am I to deny my dog Steelers gear?
{She says, what other colors are there?}
Thus the Steelers Striped Leg Warmers pattern was created. We (Mouse and I) decided on a classic black and gold stripe with 2x2 ribbing at the cuffs. Mouse says she supposes that the leg warmers could be made in other colors, but she doesn't know why you'd want to do that. ;]
Steelers Striped Leg Warmers (for dogs)
The written pattern is for the measurements listed above. However, this equation should help you resize the pattern for other sized pets.
Customizable Equation
From your gauge swatch: ____ stitches per inch _____ rows per inch
From your pet: _____ circumference of leg just under the elbow joint (I'll call it upper leg)
_____ circumference of lower leg just above wrist (above the side nail thing)
_____ length of arm from elbow to wrist
Cast on amount:
___(stitches per inch) x ___(circumference of upper leg) = ____* Make the total a multiple of 4
Number of decreases needed:
___(stitches per inch) x ___(circumference of lower leg) = ____* Make the total a multiple of 4
(upper leg total) - (lower leg total) = ____ number of decrease stitches / 2 = ___ number of decrease rounds Space the decrease rounds between 2-4 rounds of stockinette depending on the length of the leg and how drastically it tapers.
Loosely cast on 32 sts in color A. Separate over 3 dpns. Needle 1 has 8 sts, needle 2 has 16 sts, needle 3 has 8 stitches. Customized sizing instructions in (red). Divide cast on stitches over 3 dpns with 1/4 of the total stitches on needle 1, 1/2 on needle 2, and 1/4 on needle 3. I decrease at the beginning and end of needle 2 thus the extra stitches on that needle.
Rows 1-6: (Color A) *k2, p2*
Rows 7, 8, 9: (Color B) Knit all stitches
Row 10: k8 (all of needle 1), ssk, k12 (to last 2 stitches on needle 2), k2tog, k8 (to end of round)
Rows 11, 12: Knit all stitches
Row 13: (Color A) Knit all stitches
Rows 14: k8 (all of needle 1), ssk, k10 (to last 2 stitches on needle 2), k2tog, k8 (to end of round)
Rows 15, 16, 17: Knit all stitches
Row 18: k8 (all of needle 1), ssk, k8 (to last 2 stitches on needle 2), k2tog, k8 (to end of round)
Rows 19, 20, 21: (Color B) Knit all stitches
Row 22: k8 (all of needle 1), ssk, k6 (to last 2 stitches on needle 2), k2tog, k8 (to end of round)
Rows 23, 24: Knit all stitches
Rows 25-30: (Color A) Knit
Rows 31-36: (Color B) Knit
Rows 37-42: (Color A) Knit
Rows 43-48: (Color B) Knit
Row 49: (Color A) Knit
Rows 50-54: *k2, p2*
Bind off loosely. Weave in ends
As expected, Clicky the Moose and Black-Eye Pea have asked for leg warmers of their own. Moose has requested leg warmers to replicate the socks from the team's throwback jerseys, while Pea wants to represent for her favorite player Troy Polamalu. The patterns to those designs will be added as they are completed. =]