My favorite holiday tradition from back in the day, you know, the 80s, is my granny-made, granny square stockings. Among other things, my great-grandma Kate was a phenomenal crocheter. I remember she was always working on some project or another. I don’t know when she made Christmas stockings for my cousins and me, but I can’t remember not having them. Mine is green.
All my cousins have and still hang their stocking every year. There were nine of us great-grandchildren and my cousins collectively have twelve kids now, all of whom have stockings my grandmother (their great-grandmother) made for them. Oh, yes. All are hung from the
These stockings are nearly 30 years old and look as good as new! She must have made hundreds of granny squares to piece the stocking together. Then she trimmed each with a white fold-over cuff and hanging loop.
I barely remember opening presents from under the tree, but I clearly recall tearing through the overly stuffed stocking. My mom later told me that the stockings stretched to triple their size when the goodies were placed inside! In the picture below my stocking is as big as I am! She and one of my aunts had to run to the store on Christmas Eve to pick up more things to stuff them with. My grandmothers were determined to completely stock the stockings. We got coloring books, crayons, tiny toys, candy and of course a pack of Underoos! I still give underwear in stockings…it makes me giggle every time.
My parents and all my aunts and uncles have pictures of us standing in front of or holding our stockings which are stuffed to the gills with goodies. One year, my cousins and I all got cowboy boots, jeans and a cowboy shirt for Christmas. We took a picture that I am trying to locate with all of us standing in a row wearing our new outfits completely geeking out with excitement! I have to find that picture…
Don’t you love Polaroid’s? I do. I heard the other day Polaroid is ending the manufacturing of the film. I am so unhappy.
Our granny square stockings made by my great-granny 30-40 years ago is truly one of the best holiday traditions in my family. It’s one of those things that as soon as I see it takes me back to those Christmases growing up. Back when it was easy to get into the feel and joy of the season and all I had to worry about was writing a letter to Santa and snaking as many Candy Cane Cookies and Buckeyes I could get my hands on! Happy Holidays!
Don’t you love Polaroid’s? I do. I heard the other day Polaroid is ending the manufacturing of the film. I am so unhappy.
Our granny square stockings made by my great-granny 30-40 years ago is truly one of the best holiday traditions in my family. It’s one of those things that as soon as I see it takes me back to those Christmases growing up. Back when it was easy to get into the feel and joy of the season and all I had to worry about was writing a letter to Santa and snaking as many Candy Cane Cookies and Buckeyes I could get my hands on! Happy Holidays!
I saw your stockings on Sew, Mama, Sew's blog and had to come by and take a closer look. My grandmother made all of her grandchildren stockings like those only they were all the same: green with white and red 'flowers. My grandmother also made all of her daughter's and granddaughter's patchwork Christmas tree skirts in 1986. It's the first thing I put out after the Christmas tree is up. She made us quilts and all kinds of things. My grandmother passed away 2 years ago. I make sure my children (and one day their children) know how special their great-grandma was when I show them all the special crafts she made for her family.
Thanks for bringing back wonderful memories.
I just stopped by after seeing your stockings on Sew Mama Sew. They're wonderful! I'm going to have to find a pattern for next year...there's nothing more cheery than granny squares. But my own favorite stocking will always be the brick-design stocking that my grandmother, Nan, knit for me. Merry Christmas!
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