Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Fabric + Elmers Glue + First Graders = A whole lotta fun
It's hard to tell from this picture, but the illustrator used fabric and trims in her pictures. The grandmother's purse is a piece of lace, the top of the building on the lower right is ribbon, etc. Scraps of fabrics...be still my heart! I know where to get a few (bazillion) fabric scraps.
It took 3 fabric loving sessions, but the kids made pictures of themselves and their grandmas (Abuela in Spanish) or grandpas doing something special.
I present the masterpieces:
Thursday, April 14, 2011
FO: Simplicity 2591 Dress

Monday, January 17, 2011
NFL Breast Cancer Awareness Knit Beanie **Free Pattern**

This pattern was reverse engineered with the help of Ellisha (ish174), Annie (trainergirl15 and Liz (steelerbear). The original beanie was sold during the NFL’s 2010 “A Crucial Catch” Breast Cancer Awareness campaign. Proceeds from merchandise sales benefited the America Cancer Society and other team charities. If you choose to knit this hat, please consider knitting another and donating it to your local chapter of the America Cancer Society, a local breast cancer treatment facility or one of your favorite team’s charities.
- Worsted weight yarn in 3 different colors
- US 8 needles – 16” circulars and/or dpns
- Gauge: 6 sts/inch in pattern on US 8
- K-Knit
- P-Purl
- p2tog - purl 2 stitches together
- k2tog - knit 2 sts together
- ssk – slip 2 sts knitwise then knit them together
- C1 over 2 right - Slip 2 sts to cable needle holding in back, K1, P2 from cable needle (needleless-hold yarn in front when slipping)
- C1 over 2 left - Slip 1 stitch to cable needle holding in front, P2, K1 from cable needle (needleless-hold yarn in back when slipping)
- MC – main color of yarn
- CC1 – contrasting color 1
- CC2 – contrasting color 2
Tackling Dummy Stitch Pattern
Round 1: *C1 over 2 left, C1 over 2 right* to end
Rounds 2-7: *P2, K2, P2* to end
Rounds 8: *C1 over 2 right, C1 over 2 left* to end
Rounds 9-14: *K1, P4, K1* to end
CO 108 (120) sts with MC, join in the round
Work *K2, P1* for about 1-1/2"
Set up row: *K1, P4, K1* to end of round
Work rounds 1-8 of Tackling Dummy Stitch Pattern once in MC
Rounds 9-13: *K1 with MC, K4 with CC1, K1 with MC* to end
Round 14: With MC *K1, P4, K1* to end
Round 15: With MC *C1 over 2 left, C1 over 2 right* to end
Round 16-20: *K2 with CC2, K2 with MC, K2 with CC2* to end
Round 21: With MC *P2, K2, P2* to end
Continue working Tackling Dummy Stitch Pattern with round 8 using just the MC.
Complete a total of 5 pattern repeats before decreases (1MC, 1 CC1, 1CC2, 2 MC)
Work just round 1 of Tackling Dummy stitch pattern before starting decreases.
**Decreases for 108 sts ONLY**
Decrease row 1 (D1): Move last stitch in previous row to be first stitch of decrease round. *p2tog, p1, k2, p1* (90 stitches remain)
D2: *P3, K2* to end
D3: *p2tog, K2, P1* (72 sts remain)
D4: *p1, K2, P1* to last stitch
D5: move last of round to first stitch of this round, *p2tog, k2* (54 sts remain)
D6: *ssk, k2tog* (18 sts remain)
D7: k2tog to end (9 sts remain)
** Decreases for 120 sts ONLY **
D1: move last st to be first stitch of the round, *p2tog, p1, k2, p1* (90 st)
D2: knit pattern as established *p3, k2*
D3: *p2tog, k2, p1* around (72 st)
D4: knit pattern as established *p2, k2*
D5: move last st to be first st of the round, *p2tog, k2* (54 st)
D6: knit pattern as established *p1, k2*
D7: *k2tog, k1* around (36 st)
D8: k all stitches
D9: *k4, k2tog* around (30 st)
D10: *k3, k2tog* around (24 st)
D11: *k2, k2tog* around (18 st)
D12: *k1, k2tog* around (12 st)
D13: k2tog (6 sts)
** Finishing **
Cut the yarn leaving enough to thread through the remaining sts. Sinch live sts together and weave in all ends. =]